Kate Bosworth was recently spotted at LAX carrying the Proenza Schouler PS13 tote bag. She was home after a trip to Japan to promote the beauty line Ski-II. She wore a pair of wayfarer sunglasses, a long wool tweed jacket, black leather pants and studded flats. Kate also co-founded the website Jewel Mint with Cher Koulter, a prominent stylist, which features limited edition jewelry pieces at affordable prices (between $60-$90 USD). Check-out this video below promoting the jewelry line while she was in South Korea with beau Michael Polish who shot the series of looks.
[youtube width="600" height="350"]62K_PyjHcB0[/youtube]
Where to Buy
The Proenza Schouler PS13 small tote bag retails for $2,250.00 (USD). It also comes in Large for $2,475.00 and the clutch retails for $1,175.00 (USD). The PS13 is the newest iteration of the brand incorporating certain characteristics of the original PS1 satchel purse into the front flap pocket.