Real Deal Collection (
Rating & review: A; Apart from Balenciaga, they also buy, sell, consign or trade-in bags, shoes, luggage and accessories from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes and more. They have hard to find flat brass First's, in the oh-so-covetable colors such as turquoise, lilac, bubblegum or amethyst. Expect to find the latest Giant City in every shade and style, namely the Covered or Silver Giant Hardware. Also, they've got them from the small coin purses, to the Firsts, to the Twiggys, then Giant Citys, Part-times and then the Giant Work.....oh my!
Brands the store carries: Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and more.. (click here for BRANDS LIST)
Types of items carried: Handbags, Shoes and Accessories
International Shipping: Yes / via Express
Mail International
Layaway available: Yes / 30% deposit under 60 dday terms.
Accepted payment methods: Major credit, debit card or Paypal. Google check-out is available upon request.
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