Introducing the bags of Chanel Fall/Winter 2020 featuring classic mini bags. Virginie Viard designs a very subdued collection yet again and there were few new styles to look forward to this season. A few small purses were presented in shearling including a mini Coco Handle. Most bags that appeared hearken to vintage Chanel with flat quilts and burgundy colorways. The season presented each model with more opulent Chanel jewelry statement pieces called "Gripoix" which are handmade poured glass jewelry. Some flaps included Gripoix on the front hardware. Handbags are typically Chanel's bread and butter, and some of the most favorite runway items from Karl included the key statement bag each season. It's a wonder why the direction for the new Creative Director is moving away from what Chanel fans love the most. New bags in this collection were few and far between.