The Chanel Boy Flap Bag is one the brand's iconic handbags. Since it has been introduced, the Boy has been very popular. Early this year, Chanel has introduced a new medium size for the Boy Bag. Both sizes are still being made, although some stores only carry certain sizes. It is best to contact your Chanel boutique for availability of both sizes. There are some differences on these two sizes.
Side by Side Comparison
Here are some comparisons between the Old Medium and New Medium:
Old Medium
Measurements: 5.7” x 9.8” x 3.5”
- The size is smaller and looks better when worn cross-body
- Lightweight due to its size
- Rectangular Shape
- Price: $4,200.00 (USD)
New Medium
Measurements: 7.1” x 11” x 3.5”
- The size is larger and looks better when worn as a shoulder bag
- Includes more pockets (a zippered pocket and open pocket in the interior)
- Boxy and has less of a rectangular shape
- Price: $4,600.00 (USD)
If you are the type that carries a lot in your bag, then it's best to get the New Medium size as it can fit more and includes extra pocket compared to the Old Medium size. However, if you prefer carrying the bag across the body, then the Old Medium size is the way to go. The Old Medium and New Medium both features the same quilted patter and thick chain and leather shoulder strap.
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