As of April 18, 2015 Chanel bags in Europe have increased by about 20% with a minimum of 10%. Not all bags were affected; however, the most popular bags the classic flaps and the boy bags definitely were. There are some limited edition leather bags that remain unchanged, which means good value overall for US customers due to the stronger dollar.
We have updated our Europe price guides to include a comparison of old prices to new prices from Spring / Summer 2015 Act 2 and Spring / Summer 2015 Act 1. For more details check out the links:
[button color="blue" size="small" link="" ]Euro Price Comparisons[/button][button color="green" size="small" link="" ]Chanel Spring 2015 Act 2[/button] [button color="orange" size="small" link="" ]Chanel Spring 2015 Act 1[/button]
So is it still less expensive to shop in Europe? Yes!
Check-out our price comparison from USD to EU, even with the 20% increase it would still be close to 40% cost savings due to the strong USD hovering around $1.06US to €1.00 Euro. Not only is Europe less expensive but we all know that the wide selection beats out almost every other country due to its proximity to the source. So definitely not a reason to change any plans to fly to Europe and take a lovely vacation.
Veit Bui
what is the price of the python boy bag in euro? i need help:)
did this increase or is this one of the limited leather bags that remained without increase?