A warning to users who use Google Shopping search to find authentic bags such as Chanel, Celine or Louis Vuitton.
I noticed in the most recent months that the Google Shopping button appearing on my left sidebar offering me a list of recommended places to buy items. For example if I search "Chanel" or "Balenciaga", it will provide me with a list of products that I may be interested in. Unfortunately for the consumer who doesn't shop online very often, very few brands especially the more exclusive ones like Chanel and Hermes are not available online by authorized sellers other than the dotcom sites, but in that case there are only handful that can be bought online.
When searching I'm noticing that only fake sites are showing up as the highest rank. For example:
There is no way an "authentic" Chanel will cost you less than $1,000 and even then you should be suspicious since on average your spending about $2,500USD for an authentic Chanel which won't even apply for coveted styles. Flaps retail for over $3,500USD!!
Google does include a very SMALL disclaimer:
Google is compensated by some of these merchants. Payment is one of several factors used to rank these results. Tax and shipping costs are estimates.
Recommended Sources
That being said the buyer should be weary of using their search. I personally recommend using www.shopstyle.com as a trusted source to find luxury bags that you want to buy from a variety of authorized retailers. You can buy from authentic consignment stores; however, your personal experience may vary as they have to authenticate each bag they receive. Finally you can use Ebay to find used bags and posting in the Purseforum's Authenticate thread (Each individual high-end brand has it's own forum) where they have a multitude of resident experts who can help you determine authenticity. Again your experience may vary.