When buying a designer handbag, many equates it to as an investment. To keep these precious designer bags in its (almost) perfect condition, they should be stored properly. There are a variety of ways to organize a handbag closet.
For inexpensive storages, cubbyholes can be used for mini bags, while lid racks are perfect to organize your clutches. If you have a small space, you can mount shelves on your wall, which will also be a nice decor to have your bags on display. Hooks will also help you in storing your bags. It is easy to mount and your bags will be within your reach. Another cheap alternative is a bookcase. Open bookshelves is a great option to put those lovely bags in its proper place.
If you are willing to splurge, customized shelves or glass encased cabinets are the way to go. Shelves in a walk-in closet are definitely a must have. If you want your bags on display minus the dust bags, you can add glass doors to keep them away from dirt.
When organizing your collection, you can start by deciding how to arrange it first. You may classify them by its color, size, style or brand name, whatever works for you. If possible, bags should be stored in an upright position. It is best to keep them in their dust bags or a pillow case. Putting it in a plastic can trap moisture inside, so these are not recommended. Keep it away from sunlight. Best to check it regularly to maintain its shape and condition.
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