Hermes handbags have more than a hundred of colors to choose from. The guide below is split up based on basic color groups, open each 'toggle' to view the color swatch to identify the matching color. Use the buttons below to jump to the applicable section.
[button color="blue" size="small" link="#blue" ]Blue Swatch[/button],[button color="green" size="small" link="#green" ]Green Swatch[/button], [button color="white" size="small" link="#yellow" ]Yellow Swatch[/button],[button color="orange" size="small" link="#orange" ]Orange Swatch[/button], [button color="white" size="small" link="#beige" ]Brown & Beige Swatch[/button], [button color="grey" size="small" link="#grey" ]Grey & Black Swatch[/button]
Use the (+)(-) toggles to open and close the different types of colors.
Red Swatch
[toggle title="Red Colors" state="close" ]
Pink Swatch
[toggle title="Pink Colors" state="close" ]
Purple Swatch
[toggle title="Purple Colors" state="close" ]
Blue Swatch
[toggle title="Blue Colors" state="close" ]
Green Swatch
[toggle title="Green Colors" state="open" ]
Yellow Swatch
[toggle title="Yellow Colors" state="open" ]
Orange Swatch
[toggle title="Orange Colors" state="close" ]
Brown and Beige Swatch
[toggle title="Brown and Beige Colors" state="close" ]
Grey and Black Swatch
[toggle title="Grey and Black Colors" state="open" ]