Here is a list of authentic Celine bags that we scoured the internet for which are reasonably priced compared to the retail value or extremely rare and hard to find. Note that the items below are subject to availability from the time of writing. These purses were still in stock but will probably go very fast.
Also, these stores will usually ship worldwide but your experience may vary.
From Anns Fabulous Finds - This purse retails for about $5,600 USD in python, $4,300.00 USD is relatively a steal.
From Haute Classics: This purse originated from the 2011 collection and also appeared in mini luggage form. Available for $1,660.00 USD (converted).
From A Second Chance Resale (as sold via Malleries but their physical store is in NY), Celine Mini Luggage bags just increased to $2,800 USD so at $2,400 USD it's a relative steal. Available at $2,395.00 (USD).
From Fashionphile - The Celine Asymmetrical Tote bag came out only one season and is relatively rare. It's no longer being produced. Available for $1,595.00 USD.
Style drops currently has stock of new Fall 2013 merchandise, it's probably one of the only places that sells NEW authentic designer goods. This one is priced slighly above retail at $2,889.00 USD (Note they will calculate import duty on top).
From Ina's NYC - This purse is RARE and is no longer being produced, from the Spring 2011 Celine collection, available at $1,375.00 (USD).