The Balenciaga Giant Part Time Bag is a regular staple in the Balenciaga line. Longer than the City, and shorter than the Work the Part Time measures approximately:
[blockquote] 17" W x 8.5" H x 7" D [/blockquote]
Comes in gorgeous and smooshy lambskin leather. Features a strap similar to the city, but has a more sturdy base, with metal feet on the bottom of the bag. It fits lots of items and won't "sag" as is typical with the Work and City styles since the base is a lot longer and can distribute the weight.
Price: Averages around $1,900USD
Availability: Difficult to find for resale, either people hold on to their bags.. or there just isn't as much of a demand. Check out Barneys or for availability.
Note: The giant hardware line will be discontinued come Spring 2012, so it would be wise to get your hands on them now before they're gone!
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